
More Examples of Cryptolocker Email

Hi All,

As you may have noticed we have been dealing with this nasty Cryptolocker bug. I thought I would share with you a few insight’s. This virus comes in on an unsuspecting person from major companies that look to be legit. Here is another example:

From Companies House
From Companies House

This would look like a pretty good email but with one difference: at the bottom there is a ZIP attachment and neither companies house or a bank for example would attach a document containing your information unless you have requested it. And even nowadays that kind of thing would be sent the old fashioned way in the post.

Another one to watch for is Voicemail messages. If your company has an integrated phone system some of these systems send you an email when you get a voice message to your office phone. Don’t be fooled and check if the attachment is a zip file or not. Also it may be worth checking with your organisation as to which attachments come from this system and who it is sent by. Here is an example:

A typical voicemail message
A typical voicemail message

If you want to know more about this virus then please check out our latest podcast to look at ways of preparing and protecting you from it.

We Discuss Cryptolocker – Show 004

