Common Sense Internet

Common Sense Internet

Even with the best anti-virus programs, there is the possibility of getting spyware or malware.

If you have an anti-virus program on your PC it can be a target for those nasty virus writers out there to infect. Nothing is 100% safe. But there are ways to avoid being infected.

On some websites you may be invited to shop for an item by a pop-up bar or an advertisement, some of these are a gateway to virus infection.

The method they use is for you to see something you like and then entice you click on it, by doing this the virus software can install itself on the computer without your knowledge or permission in some instances.

Only shop on websites that are well known and that you purposely visit. Don’t be seduced by banners appearing on other sites. If there is something you like and it says it’s from a well-known site then visit the site and look up the product.

There are some programs on the internet that pretend to be anti-virus programs which tell you they have scanned your machine and found a number of infections. If you didn’t asked for this software to be installed, then most likely it’s a virus in itself.

These are known as malware, and if you purchase them to get rid of these so-called infections they have detected, then this is how they could access your credit card details for instance. If you have this come up on your PC then please give us a call as there are some decent programs out there that can remove the problem.


Martin is the Operations Manager and a senior member of the team looking after our valued clients. He has responsibility for the more complex IT systems and is a Microsoft Exchange and Office 365 specialist. Martin also manages the support for our customers’ equipment and infrastructure with both Cloud and local facilities.

If you would like to talk to Martin about any IT support, Microsoft Exchange, Office 365 or security matters, please let me know and I will ask him to contact you to answer your questions.


General Manager

Octagon Technology Ltd