Clive's Cyber News

Clive’s weekly Cyber Security roundup

This is a weekly round-up of the articles from Smart Thinking Solutions, our specialist cybersecurity, governance and compliance web site.

The articles are mostly quick reads to give you an overview of the cybersecurity threat landscape facing businesses today, with links to the sources. Many of the posts have action points or top tips to help you navigate these threats to your organisations.

Sometimes they are just there to make you smile!

A real mixed bag of things in my news this week. Among the posts we have some research from Microsoft about IoT, attacks on the software/code supply chain, cyber criminals threatened and even a cyber criminal caught.

The second Reith Lecture also features this week and there is a conspiracy theory to go with that story – or is it rather just a coincidence? You decide – the truth is out there…

On a more serious note take a look at the article on Stalkerware.

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) by-line and other articles

Normally I start this round-up with “Because it’s Friday” post – my news can seem like an unrelenting list of bad news and I like to start off with something lighter. But today, with many of us about to embark on a weekend of online shopping before Christmas, I thought I had better lead with some advice for better cyber security whilst shopping.

Remember when you are shopping online there are malicious web pages out there – here is some advice
Because it’s Friday – they just keep finding more ants!
The future of society is smart contracts on a blockchain
Pegasus used to hack US officials
Stalkerware – not every bad actor is in it for money – domestic abuse
The Midlands Partnership NHS Trust – apologises for a data breach – but your data is still out there!
National Cyber Security Centre Threat Report
Do you need support over Christmas and the New Year?
Apple AirTags misused by car thieves
If AI research is to be ethical – then Big Tech to be controlled
Hackers – Microsoft takes direct action
Cyber attack forces convenience stores to close – 3 questions to ask yourself to better your protection
The Reith Lecture – “do not design algorithms that can decide to kill humans”
Network abuse – keep your eyes open
Twitter’s new privacy policy – “rules weaponised”
Apple sues now Google sues
Tor relays the Tor Browser and the loss of privacy
You should know that Phishing is not always done by email
Microsoft research highlights the importance of the UK’s PSTI legislation
There is some justice for those who run ransomware attacks
How to bust the cyber criminals – give them a messaging app with a backdoor for law enforcement agencies
Developers beware! Attacks on the code supply chain
A great article by Ben at Octagon on Privacy
Minecraft vulnerable to a Zero-Day vulnerability and others are sure to follow
Because it’s Friday – Star Wars