
Would you pay the ransom?

Imagine your good day at work: things go to the plan, all staff on board (no one called in sick), scheduled jobs are getting done and ticked off the list, no complaints from the clients, just good feedback all way round, email is working and so is other technology and so on.

Just another great day at work!

And as soon as you thought about rewarding yourself with another cup of tea something REALLY bad happened!


Image: jamdesign/Adobe Stock

You probably think: this does not apply to your company because cyber attacks only affect large corporations that you hear about in the media! Hmm…

Over 60% of businesses are unaware of vulnerabilities in their organisation before they are breached.

All data is at risk, except the digital data! True?

96% of businesses in the UK have at least one of these items:

  • online bank account
  • social media account or pages
  • personal information about customers held electronically
  • network-connected devices
  • ability for customers to order or pay online

This resulted in nearly 20 ransomware attack attempts every second in 2021. What’s more, ransomware attacks don’t slow down. Since 2019, the number of ransomware attacks has increased by a staggering 231.7%.

Does this mean your digital data is at risk and your business is not resilient to future uncertainties?

Data breaches are significantly hurting small businesses

– the average monetary cost of all the cyber security breaches is estimated to be £8,460. The cost is higher for medium and large organisations.

The vast majority of businesses (89%) restore operations from their most disruptive attack within 24 hours. Can you afford that?

What to do when an antivirus program, cloud storage and backup are not enough? What to do in case of an attack? Pay the ransom?

Take a look at the statistics, 80% of companies that paid the ransom after the first attack fell victim of the second attack!

Source: Cybereason, 2022

Don’t take part in the “big game hunting” strategy by ransomware attackers. They have grown more sophisticated and successful, they’ve also grown more ruthless.

Don’t be the next headline!

  • Be ready
  • Close the gaps
  • Minimise the risks

Talk to us, you can book a free one hour, online, cyber security consultation with Clive Catton MSc (Cybersecurity)