
Employee experience building blocks

As an employer you want to make sure your team members feel valued and needed; you want them to be happy in the work environment and do their best each day. So, you hear their voice, recognise and reward their effort; you offer benefits and pay increases, and you make sure they further develop professionally through training you send them to. At the end of the day, we all want to progress in our career, being static is not good! And as pay is important and as benefits are welcome, these rewards are also expected by your employees!

What makes an employee go an extra mile is the feeling of belonging to the team and being a part of something purposeful. This can be achieved by creating an environment where they want to work, designing a place where they feel motivated and free to be themselves. This can be achieved by three interconnected elements: technology, culture and physical space:

Technology + Culture + Physical Space = Employee Experience  

The technological environment is essential and includes giving the employees the right tools to do their jobs. This means access to responsive equipment and reliable solutions to help them communicate, collaborate, exchange and store information etc. For technology to benefit your business it must be:

  • Available to everyone
  • Relevant – tools that your employees want to use and that meet your business requirements.   

But that’s not all! Technology can be your greatest strength as well as your weak point. Make sure your employees are trained on how to use it properly so that it doesn’t create unnecessary stress. Mental health is important and so is your data safety! Offer them a training that is designed to educate them to be able to:

  • recognise phishing
  • avoid online scams
  • understand internet best practices
  • add a vital layer of protection for your business

It’s one of the GDPR requirements to ensure your employees are trained and knowledgeable about password best practices, two-factor authentication, mobile device security etc. Your security is only as strong as your weakest link!

Make your employees excited to come to work, think about the office layout as well as about the team building activities. Physical environment is what they see, touch, taste, and smell in the workplace.

Your employees will create thoughts and feelings about the workplace, management, leadership, organisational structure, people and more. They want to walk in the door, feel positive and energised.

It’s your responsibility to equip your workers with an up-to-date knowledge on how to protect your business data and networks. Talk to us about technology, cybersecurity awareness training and more:

  1. Test your employees’ knowledge
  2. Track their results
  3. Transform their experience 

TEST, TRACK & TRANSFORM – create a reason for being.

If you need more details about our bespoke technology training then please get in touch. You can either email me – kamila@octagontech.com or phone me – 01522 797520.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kamila (General Manager)