cyber news with cisa

Clive’s weekly Cyber Security roundup – 25 February 2022

If you keep up with the cyber security news you can then make the decisions needed to protect your systems.

Before the usual preamble I have to start by highlighting the increased cyber security threat to everyone, following the escalation of the Ukraine Russia conflict. We have published advice and reports this week both on the Octagon Blog and over on Smart Thinking, so all our clients and readers are kept up to date with the latest threat reports.

I got this piece of advice from the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) – it was at the head of a security advisory they put out this week but I thought it summed up in a couple of bullet points what people need to be doing when it comes to cyber security. I am sure they will not mind me reproducing it here for a UK audience:

CISA cyber security advice

If you have a problem with any of these points then Octagon can help you – phone us, if you wait for an email to be processed it may be too late.

The UK Government’s plan to weaken our security in the name of child protection has not gone away – make your mind up about the issue by following the story on Smart Thinking:

UK Government’s Draft Online Safety Bill on Smart Thinking Solutions

This is a weekly round-up of the articles from Smart Thinking Solutions, our specialist cybersecurity, governance and compliance web site.

The articles are mostly quick reads to give you an overview of the cybersecurity threat landscape facing businesses today, with links to the sources. Many of the posts have action points or top tips to help you navigate these threats to your organisations.

Sometimes they are just there to make you smile!

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) by-line and other articles

Because It’s Friday – “Hallelujah”
NCSC warns UK to improve its cybersecurity defences – free support available
Iranian Government-Sponsored Actors
There will be a lot of this – More Russia Ukraine conflict cyber attacks – UK government warns businesses, organisations and individuals to be alert
Another attack by a Russian hacking group – here is some important advice about malware
Android malware banking fraud – updated
Bruce Schneier – Bypassing Apple’s AirTag Security
Websites exploiting the Russia Ukraine conflict
log4j Timeline to date
Increase today in attack attempts against WordPress sites
The news will follow shortly….
Ubuntu patches required back to v.14.04 – check and do it now
Cryptography after the aliens land
Pegasus not used unlawfully – according to Israeli government enquiry
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council not one but four serious breaches of sensitive information
Bad laws will only give a political sticky plaster to the technologically uninformed
82% of Companies pay ransomware demands to get their data back – only 4% got it back – now sign up for our Cyber Security Master Class
A quick side trip back to Missouri – their Governor has such a good grasp of cyber security
Samsung smartphones with leaky security
Have you got a Cisco firewall – if so it may need a critical patch
An oldie but still out in the wild
WordPress UpdraftPlus needs patching urgently – check it!
The NCSC urge us all to improve our cyber security as tensions increase between Russia and Ukraine
Sometimes the scams are so simple…
Ransomware recovery without paying
A Sunday read
You need to revisit your Adobe Commerce/Magneto installs – more patches needed
National Cyber Security Centre Threat Report
Policing needs to change to protect our cybersecurity
Now we have “ice phishing” on the shiny new web3
Now we are going out again – do not forget your VPN
Stats to support what we already knew – cyber attacks are growing. Is it time for you to sign-up for our Cyber Security Master Class?
Follow-up on the Red Cross hack
Because it’s Friday – the first images from the James Webb Telescope and something funny about printers