cyber news with cisa advice

Clive’s weekly Cyber Security roundup – 11 March2022

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has generated a lot of cyber security news and threats this week. As advised by the National Cyber Security Centre all organisations need to revisit and update as required all their cyber security provisions – we did, and where needed, especially on our internet facing assets, we made changes. Those changes in one or two places has made our workflow a little more involved and probably slower, but because of the huge increase in our cyber security these moves have given us, it was worth it.

With that in mind I have included the CISA advice from their website in the headline image above.

Advice from the National Cyber Security Centre – actions to take when the cybersecurity risk is high (Russia Ukraine Conflict)

This is a weekly round-up of the articles from Smart Thinking Solutions, our specialist cybersecurity, governance and compliance web site.

The articles are mostly quick reads to give you an overview of the cybersecurity threat landscape facing businesses today, with links to the sources. Many of the posts have action points or top tips to help you navigate these threats to your organisations.

Sometimes they are just there to make you smile!

Clive Catton MSc (Cyber Security) by-line and other articles

Because It’s Friday – Jurassic Sprint: Usain Bolt verses the dinosaurs
Credential leaks
Ransomware gang member extradited
There could be a cyber storm coming – now is the time to prepare
So you have turned off cookie tracking – here is how unscrupulous websites circumvent that – and a possible solution
Three Zero Day vulnerabilities in APC UPS units
Hive ransomware gang targets Romanian oil
Counting Cows Chinese Cyber Crime
Ransomware gang hits targets in the US
Amplification of DDoS attacks – bad news day
You have to wonder why Google needed to read body language?
Now the tables are turned on Conti Gang – Updated
There is no “one sentence solution” for defending yourself or your organisation against cyber attacks via email
UK Government’s Draft Online Safety Bill: more tweaks but they still want to deny their law abiding citizens encryption and privacy
Patch Tuesday
Here is a story from someone who is happy to see spam email!
Samsung stolen data dumped online
Azure flaw found, reported and fixed before it was exploited… probably
Dirty Pipe – the next in what is becoming a procession of Linux vulnerabilities and this one is bad
The new Cyber War
Amazon Alexa hijacked but it is now patched – updated
More bad news for Nvidia – and advice for them (and you) on risk and mitigation – updated
Cyber-attacks cost money – Gloucester City Council
More on the Red Cross phishing scam
Privacy Enhancements
Red Cross spam phishing emails doing the rounds
Something to read on a Saturday – no more passwords
National Cyber Security Centre Threat Report
Ransomware gang demands the right to mine with Nvidia cards
BBC News on Tor
Because It’s Friday – A Boston Matrix