
Best password strategy for the future

Passwordless business is more secure! Do you agree?

Did you know someone’s been working towards creating the world without passwords since 2012? Would you say it’s best password strategy for the future?

Best password strategy for the future

Clive Catton said:

“In today’s connected and hacked world, where people still think it is OK to use “liverpool” or a single very long, very complex password for everything, passwords as our primary security step or as part of multi-factor authentication have passed their use by date.”

Passwords will become less important in the future. Why?

According to Fast ID Online Alliance (FIDO) the world without passwords is more secure.

Microsoft, Google and Apple have announced a collaboration with FIDO. This means:

– the future business relies less on passwords

– passwordless business is more secure.

Learn more about best password strategy for the future.

Find out about cyber security fatigue.

Attend our webinar on 8th November. Learn more about passwordless(ness) to find out why you should stop using passwords.

Learn more about best password strategy for the future.

Here are some useful articles about passwordless:

What do you know about going passwordless? Find out here why you should do it.

Apple moves to killing off the password…

We have a long history of educating our clients and audience through face-to-face, online or telephone conversations as well as hosting educational seminars, webinars or masterclasses about the importance of strong and complex passwords. We are the experts! Some of our articles can still be found on our blog.

Here are few links:

Passwords are only the first step

P4$$w0rD is not a good password

Factors that impact on a password strength (Section 1)

If you want to learn more about our upcoming webinar and best password strategy for the future get in touch with us.